As a business owner, you’re aware of many issues you may encounter and could be totally caught off-guard by other problems. Because you’re already managing multiple people and projects, it may be difficult to spend time thinking of ways to protect your business’s assets and employees from criminal activity. Luckily, automated commercial security solutions can keep a watchful eye over the company, allowing you to focus on daily tasks. When you partner with Trinity Wiring Solutions, here are some of our favorite ways to secure your business from crime.
Smart Lock Points of Entry
Are you looking for a quick, low-cost solution for your commercial security? A high-quality lock is an ideal option. For starters, you can ensure your doors are equipped with deadbolts and train employees to lock each point of entry, including windows and doors, during regular business hours when those entryways are not being used and the risk of crime is higher.
It’s common for someone to forget to lock an entryway in the rush of the workday, but smart locks will account for human error and automatically lock within seconds of an entryway being shut unless otherwise programmed. It’s easy to operate smart locks through an app on your mobile device, so you can always check on your business to ensure every smart lock is activated from any place at any time.

Choose an Access Control System over Keys
It can be a hassle to create copies of keys to entrust to your employees, and in the event of a lost key, the whole flow of the day can be thrown off. Instead, Trinity Wiring Solutions can install a tracking entry system for your building to replace keys with fingerprint or facial feature verification.
With an access control system, you can immediately change user permissions, so you can grant new hires full access to the building on the first day and revoke the permission of employees who have left the company. Furthermore, if you have areas that contain sensitive information or products, you can customize user permissions to give higher-ups exclusive access to those spaces. It’ll be harder for a crime to occur if an intruder can’t even enter the premises.
Install CCTV Surveillance Cameras
If you’d like to have a sharp set of eyes to keep watch over your property 24/7, we recommend installing a CCTV surveillance camera system. You’ll be able to see live video feeds of your building’s interior and exterior wherever you have cameras installed, which is helpful evidence in case of a crime. However, even the sight of an obvious CCTV camera is enough to discourage many intruders from targeting your business. Having a CCTV camera doesn’t guarantee total protection from crime, a clear identification of the perpetrator, or the return of any stolen assets. But as surveillance technology improves, it certainly helps your chances.
Now certain commercial security cameras are equipped with motion sensors that will record activity whenever it senses someone entering or exiting your store, warehouse, or workshop at any time. You can also program your system to send you text notifications in the event of motion detection, so if you receive a notification at an unusual hour, you can check your cameras immediately and alert the respective authorities within seconds if necessary.

Add Some Bright Security Lights
The addition of a few lights will prove very useful in protecting your company from criminal activity. With bright lighting around your parking lot and building exterior, your employees who arrive or leave at darker hours of the day will feel far safer walking in a well-lit space. Crime perpetrators are also far less likely to target a business bathed in bright light that makes their activity clear for cameras and passersby to see. If you don’t want to maintain a glaring light 24/7, you can also integrate your lighting with your commercial security system, so when your cameras or sensors detect motion, your security floodlights can snap on to shine light in any dark areas and lower the chance of a break-in.
Shield Your Digital Information
While many businesses or stores are keen to protect their products, plenty of companies need to guard sensitive digital information. It’s important not to forget your commercial cybersecurity measures, because hackers can easily access your systems through weak Wi-Fi routers with easy passwords or poor security measures. The easiest way to prevent this is by installing and updating the latest version of your antivirus software and keeping a shredder next to a printer to dispose of printed sensitive data quickly.
It’s also highly encouraged to educate your employees in basic etiquette of e-communication, customer data, and computer usage. Always configure your Wi-Fi networks with complicated passwords, and if you have guests, clients, or customers, offer a separate guest network they can utilize for an extra layer of security.

Team up with a Professional to Design Your Security System
The best way to protect your business from crime is by allowing a professional company like Trinity Wiring Solutions to install a fully integrated security system that incorporates, lights, cameras, locks, alarms, and access control in a single easy-to-use interface. A security system will operate day and night to deter criminal activity, so you can spend your precious time focusing on your finances, tasks, and employees.
Owning a professional security system will pay for itself by preventing harm to your business and ensuring your employees’ well-being. It can also help to lower your insurance costs significantly while granting tax deductions on business tax returns. You get to choose how many features you’d like in your system and how they work together, so if you’d like to incorporate flashing lights in the event of an alarm, automated lights and locks that activate between dusk and dawn, exterior CCTV cameras with interior access control, and control everything from an app on your cellphone, we can make all that and more possible.
Our team of experts is knowledgeable in commercial security measures, so we can adapt to your existing systems or install an entirely new one. If you’re ready to invest in the best commercial security solutions for your business, Trinity Wiring Solutions is ready to design and install the ideal system to protect your building, property, and employees from crime.